Friday, May 9, 2014

I am not the kind

to write a diary and spread it open for public view on the internet, much less a blogger (though I am an avid blog surfer).  But this time, my dieting has taken a toll on me and my body.  This fight is draining in every sense of the word.  I can feel instinctively and physically my body is torn.  I am scared.  So I decided to write.  To share my experience (though not sure how many people will find it interesting, not many I expect), but more in the hope that perhaps this will help me be stronger and find a solution that I can stick with, literally, for the rest of my life.
The ordeal this time – which caused all the side effects of my previous failed diets and yo-yos to surface – is that I have a wedding coming up.  My own.  It’s not just the physical side effects that are draining the life out of me.  It’s the psychological fight and defeats – more so than the physical struggle.
Where to begin..
I just spent 15 min already this morning surfing my fav style/fashion blogs online, despite the fact that I came in early (7am) exceptionally to finish off the mountain of piled work due before 11am.  I love style and fashion.  I am an ordinary girl.  (Quickly on the topic of fashion and style, I do believe there’s style (as distinct from fashion) and there’s the body.  The body is essential, style is a decor, secondary). 
I’ve been in what I call an “extreme diet” since Tuesday (today is Friday).  I am hoping to lose at least 1 kg pure fat this week (not sure I will get there) as I have my photoshoot for the wedding next Friday.  I am tired in ways I cannot do justice by describing in words.  I have no energy – perfectly normal and expected as the extreme diet consists of one banana in the morning after a continuous 3 mile run (or at intervals) on an empty stomach and ½ fist worth of brown rice at noon, the rest all proteins and veggies.  I have stuck to this extreme diet for 3 days (today is the 4th) and done it in a machine-like way – meaning I do not want to think anymore, I just do what I have to as a machine (workout, eat my fixed meals at given times when my iphone tells me to).  I cannot think anymore.  I do not want to set goals anymore.  I do not want to worry about whether I can do this, stick with this and the scariest of all questions, how much body is suffering now and how much more it will suffer afterwards and ponder for hours and constantly over why I have to do this and how much I want this.  Simply put, I feel miserable.  So miserable I tear up whenever I am on the treadmill and feel my leg stiffen at the strenuous exercise without energy to compensate and whenever I see my reflection in the mirror. 
Yet, and this is where the complexity (and simplicity (a.k.a stupidity)) of my spirit baffles me, when I surf these blogs, I am glad I feel (not am) slimmer today.  Talk about a messed up mind.  Seriously psychotic. 

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